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Like you saw it on YouTube, from the channel Ludus Meta (subtitles available) and the Minimalist Game Dev Course Speedrun, this tool was made to help you make better games by saving a lot of time, energy and money.

The combination of 2 Tools (Minimalist Menu) and (Ludus Meta Icon Pack) now improved.


Already used in 2 games (Sliding and Air Hockey King).

Everything that is not the gameplay should not be the focus.

Save yourself weeks of programming or paying programmers to make a menu that is going to be worse than this one and more expensive.

Instead, start with this one and improve on it, making it beyond good.

The Template is a simple menu ready to use on any 2D game.

It already has most of the most common menu options included and working like graphics, controls, sound, saving, shops and even some accessibility. 

The code is made in a way that you can customize it very easily.

Everything is in 1 script and every function does only 1 thing, it’s all commented, with very easy to understand variables and doesn’t use any advance keywords or complicated optimizations (everything is explained in the tutorials).  

Now, most features already work out the gate but (for example), the cloud save button cannot work without you connecting it to the cloud or the sounds without you choosing some of them.

The package comes with a document explaining how to start making your game using this template, it also has video tutorials showing how it works (In Spanish with subtitles in multiple languages).


  • Accessibility Menu, Graphics Menu, General Options Menu, Sound Menu and Controls Menu, plus a simple main menu and pause menu.
  • Ready for resolutions (720p – 8K).
  • Ready for Aspect Ratios (5:4 – 16-9 – 3:1)
  • Beginner friendly code (commented and explained in details in the video tutorials).
  • Everything in 1 scene with 1 script using the new Input System and UI Toolkit.


  • Shop / Inventory Menu, improved main menu.
  • 13 Languages working.


  • +600 Minimalist Icons (No Copyright and with source files) already added to the default menu, making it fully textless.
  • Subtitles working for every language, with most of the implementation for screen reader ready (just add the voice itself in the 6 code lines that are needed).
  • 3 Unity Ads scripts already connected to the project and working (just add your ID) for banners, interstitials, rewarded ads and in-app purchases (Google Play).
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