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About Us

The company was founded in Mexico. My name is Luis G, and I am the founder.

I have been playing all my life, practically since I was born, I had access to all the games, for example, the first thing I remember when I was born was seeing a big light, and some cookies (I think they were Chokis), and then I was like 4 playing Super Bomberman on the SNES, more specifically the boss of the 2nd area, the giant clown face who started crying when you hit him.

In high school I decided to become a game developer, I was doing animations, taking art classes, chess (I think to learn strategy), making a Let’s Play channel, some editing and some filmmaking, just to prepare for the university.

After a few years of studying game development, I decided to leave, since the school was not quality and there would be a change in the curriculum to make it more like a programming career than a game development, yes…

I went looking for a job in the industry and found myself in a game designer role mixed with a bit of management. Thanks to this job, I was able to get to know many of the game development companies in Mexico, just to know how hard it was.

The salaries were low, and the games are mainly for customers who don’t know about games, it’s completely commercial, with little or no value in the artistic aspect, but hey, at least it was something, I was learning.

At that time Crypto was something new, I bought a little bit, and it exploded, I earned in 1 day more than I would have earned the next year at my game developer job. My ego rose, and I decided to quit to make my own game, avoiding all the mistakes I saw in the other companies.

I bought a car to go to my last days at work, then I was going to sell it to make the game, and that’s what happened, my family still wanted me to finish my degree, so I went back to university (I had only on temporary leave) with my new knowledge and hoping that it will be easier as I spend a year doing nothing but games.

Well no, the new study plan was implemented and nothing I was doing at work, I was at university, then my car was stolen, so I sold what was left of the car at a big loss, then I decided to leave university, finish the game and hope for the best.

I created a game “Sliding – Slide to win” on my own, a simple and rough game in all aspects, got 5,000 downloads. I made $0, I failed, so now no job, no money and no career.

I decided to learn business on my own, more specifically marketing, since that was the main reason for the game’s failure.

I spent 3 years doing that, trying small businesses, losing money to fake gurus, consuming all the courses, publications, books, documentaries, etc.

At this point I decided to return to the game industry, this time with the whole business idea, with the idea of solving problems and what better problem to solve than learning video game development.

Just like me, there are many people who want to make games, either as a hobby or even to make a living from it, which is what I have been trying to do forever, and I know that the biggest problems are the cost of universities (tens of thousands of dollars), the time it takes (4 years), the quality of the teaching, the focus, oops, even loneliness or incomprehension.

But let’s not get dramatic. That’s why I’m (we’re) doing this.

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